Remote operations. Edge enabled.

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We enable your Edge IoT Transformation

a support

ArIO Foundry

Assured real-time control. High performance edge compute. Cellular and WiFi cloud conectivity. Certified for harsh environments. Two versions: RTRiO and DAQRiO.

a gift

ArIO Apps

Adaptive automated workflows. Intelligent decision making on the Edge. Cloud based visualization and control.

a support

ArIO Maestro

Manage your fleet of edge devices. Deploy and update edge applications. Monitor the health of devices and apps. All from your desk.

ArIO Foundry

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    Real-time control and edge compute

    Hardware based real-time performance, complemented by high-performance edge computing.

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    Multi-tiered hardware

    Our hardware offerings range from standalone data acquisition modules to integrated PLC and edge compute systems.

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    Harsh environment connectivity

    Certified for harsh environment operations with cloud connectivity via cellular and WiFi.

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    ArIO hardware details and datasheets.

ArIO Apps

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    Adaptive automated workflows

    Bring intelligent decision making to your operations. We develop custom edge apps for your workflows.

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    Cloud based visualization and control

    Workflow specific dashboard for visualization & control​. Data historian with alarms and notifications​. Enhanced security with role based access control​, data encryption in transit and at rest.

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    Live Demo

    Live demo of data acquisition and real-time control on the Edge, visualization and remote control in the cloud.

ArIO Maestro

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    We manage your fleet at scale

    Deploy and update edge applications for the fleet or individual devices.

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    Monitor the health of devices and apps

    Performance and resource monitoring to maximize uptime.

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    Managed solution

    Maestro is an ArIO managed edge framework.